What is pursuing God?
Are you truly pursuing God. Do you really want Him to work in your life, or are you avoiding the relationship so you can remain in control?
Are you seeking God with all of your heart, or do you seek other things with your heart as well?
You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you - the Lord's declaration - and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and places where I banished you - the Lord's declaration. I will restore you to the place I deported you from. - Jeremiah 29:13-14 (CSB)
There are two questions that can help you discover if you are pursuing God with all of your heart.
- What do you spend the majority of your time doing?
- Where do you spend the majority of your money?
I’m not going to get into the money question here. You know whether you are good with God on what you spend your money on. My main focus will be on your time.
Calling spare time “your time” is uncomfortable to me. I have come to understand that all time is a gift from God. He allows us to exist for a set amount of time on Earth. What we choose to do with it defines who we are and what we love.
Author and pastor J.D. Greear said that quiet time is one of the worst named yet most important practice that we as Christians can do. In fact, I love the schedule he lays out for doing quiet time.
- 15 minutes of Bible reading
- 15 minutes of prayer
- 15 minutes of devotional, Scripture memorization, etc.
Quiet time is not the only way to be pursuing God though. To truly pursue a relationship with God, you need to make a habit of prayer and Bible study.
God created us for community as well. Serving others is a great way to get out of selfishness and move toward a more generous posture.
I love those who love me, and those who search for me find me. - Proverbs 8:17 (CSB)
So what are you pursuing? Leave a comment below and let me know!