What happens when you exercise daily Bible reading?

The Bible is the best-selling book of all time. It has been translated into more than 2500 languages and sold billions of copies. The importance of the Bible cannot be understated. The Bible has shaped what we believe, what we do, what we say, what art looks like, what music sounds like, how governments are run – everything! But, despite knowing bible verses about how to study the word, many churches today aren’t doing much to encourage members to read the Bible daily

What are the benefits of reading the Bible daily?

The benefits of daily reading have been long recorded in scientific communities. Some of these benefits include: strengthening the brain, increase in empathy, builds vocabulary, prevents cognitive decline, reduces stress, aids sleep, alleviates depression, and lengthens lifespan (healthline.com).

According to Barna Research, 6 out of 10 adults say that it has transformed their lives. These “Bible readers” qualified by only reading the bible 3-4 times a year. Of those surveyed, 61% say after reading they realize their need for God and 50% said reading increases their desire to know God.

In general reading allows us to experience and understand our own emotions through the lens of the book characters. It makes us more empathetic to others as we begin to understand the reasons these characters make the choices they do. It is mentally stimulating, making us think about what we read and whether we believe it. Reading regularly has also proven to decrease stress and improve memory.

What does reading the Bible do to your brain?

When you read the Bible daily, it provides many physical benefits for sure. It also provides strong moral and psychological benefits as well. It develops a sense of right and wrong as well as laying out a system and expectation of rewards and consequences for this behavior.

In addition, it records the affection and admiration God has for His creation. The Bible shows how from the beginning, God planned to sacrifice His own child to save his creation, and preserve a relationship with us.

How does reading the Bible affect your life?

It is precisely this sacrifice that affects change in a Christian’s life. The deeper you gain knowledge and understanding of God’s love for you, the more natural it becomes to follow the law God set for righteousness.

Knowing further that God provides forgiveness for violation of his law makes it even more imperative that we take the steps outlined in the Bible to move toward sanctification.

Ten reasons to read the Bible daily

Besides all of these reasons, there are a number of Bible verses about studying the word. If you still aren’t convinced of the importance of the Bible, here are ten amazing reasons you should begin:

1. Scripture is God’s Love Letter to His Creation

I mention it all the time to my church small group. If the entire Bible is about Jesus and God’s plan to use Him to bring about salvation to the world, then it proves his love for us, his human creation.

The story of Jesus is the story of God’s loving sacrifice to save humankind. Every word in the book is inspired by God Himself. Therefore, the entirety of the book is a loving account of God to His people.

2. Reading Scripture is how we nurture a relationship with God

It is true that Jesus taught us to pray to God, and that He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in us. Without the Bible, though, it is impossible to know God’s true nature. While it is certainly possible for God to reveal himself in other ways, He seems to return to letting His Book as the user manual for our lives.

Reading Bible scripture also allows us to claim God’s promises. While God does not need this reminder, we most certainly do. Reading His Word and responding appropriately reinforces the attitude and posture God requires us to have.

3. Memorizing Scripture is how we can fight temptation to sin

When in the desert, Jesus fought temptation from Satan by quoting the Bible. Even when Satan threw out Bible verses (he twists) to persuade Jesus to sin, He still responded with the correct version or the context for each command.

If Christ Jesus used scripture, then certainly we should be doing the same thing. It is fine to carry a Bible for just such occasion. In fact, I use a Bible app on my phone for just such occasion. If you truly want to keep yourself from temptation though, it is easier to recall when you have it memorized.

4. Reading Scripture encourages and strengthens us

God provides plenty of encouragement for us in the Bible. I love reading Paul’s letters in the New Testament to find a treasure of both commands to live out and encouragement to do this.

Of course the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) and many Old Testament books like Psalms offer the same encouragement. Before I began reading the Bible, I never knew this, but through daily reading, I understand more and more.

5. Scripture teaches how we become righteous through sanctification

Too many Christians make the decision to follow Christ, and never read what he did. How can you follow someone you can’t see without reading the map? The Bible is that map!

Sanctification is a process of knowing God, counting the cost of following Jesus (reckoning), and being present when He calls you to service. For years I was stuck on the first step, and mistakenly thought that was all there was to it. Fortunately, God has opened my eyes to this increasing my faith. My prayer is that he will open yours as well.

Read the Bible daily with your morning coffee

6. Scripture reveals God’s meaning for our lives

Throughout my life I have heard many people say they are searching for the meaning of life. The comedy troupe Monty Python devoted a whole movie to the lengths humans go through to find this meaning.

The ancient Greek culture was obsessed with this. In fact, they observed so many things on Earth that required an intelligent designer that they had a word for this, logos. Logos simply means ‘word’, but it was more than a word to describe other words.

Logos was a word for the idea that a creative force existed that could explain all of life, the universe, and everything. John starts his Gospel explaining what, or rather who Logos was.

In the beginning was the Logos (Word), and the Logos (Word) was with God, and the Logos (Word) was God.

7. Bible verse memorization safeguards against false teachers

This is a lot like number 3 on this list, but we don’t merely use verses to refute Satan, but his Earthly agents as well. There are people who want to misinform and redirect Christians to pull them away from God.

They will misuse and misconstrue God’s Word to fit their narrative. They will mix a little truth with a lot of lie to move wayward Christians off the path. Many Christians will fall for this unless they are rooted in the Bible. Knowing Bible verses by heart makes it easy to spot and identify these fakes within the church.

8. Bible reading reinforces morality

I have often been involved in conversation with non-believers who point out that even unbelievers can have a moral code. They point out that there are many who have never broken a law or caused harm to another with malicious intent.

While this may be mostly true, Christians know that even if you think an immoral thought, you have violated God’s law. If it is the mere thought and not the action that convicts you, then what Paul says in Romans is true: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23).

This knowledge though cannot come through human morality because humans look to excuse their immorality by excusing thoughts and withholding behavior. It is as if we grade on a scale for those with good self-discipline. God’s people understand this strict adherence to the law can only come from God himself.

9. Scripture humbles and reminds us of our mortality

Once we understand that we are incapable of morality apart from God, then we also are humiliated, and can assume the correct posture with God. This puts in perspective the need for the consequence of sin, which is death.

Recognizing our mortality brings knowledge that we cannot live eternally without a payment for this sin. We must die to sin to live with Christ. Life apart from God is Hell. Just think what a life without joy, truth, love, and light would be. God is all of these things, so to live in Hell would to be living without these things.

10. God reveals his true nature through Scripture

As I mentioned in number 2, God reveals His true nature through the Bible. While people all claim to know God and understand His motives and actions, He reveals His true nature to all who read His Word.

It then becomes our choice what to do with this knowledge. Do we accept and love God for who He is and what He has done for us, or do we reject Him and rely on our own nature to “do the best we can for ourselves”? Joshua says it best when he says “Choose you this day whom you will serve, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Make time for God and Bible reading

Make time to read the Bible daily

So now you know why you should read the Bible everyday, but you may be thinking, how? In the morning it is a rush to get the kids, spouse, and everything ready before work. In the evening, sports, family time, or television has dominated our time.

You will make time for what is important in your life. If you are running late and forgot your coffee, do you divert to a Starbucks or gas station to get a cup of joe? Do you move afternoon meetings a work to make your kids’ games? Are all of these things more important that your time with God?

Only you can answer these questions. Your answers will reveal the importance of the Bible to you.

Stop procrastinating and start reading the Bible everyday

I pray that you stop procrastinating, stop making excuses, stop finding distractions, and do your daily Bible reading. Like daily exercising, it will build your moral muscle and improve your reaction toward sin and temptation. You will also grow closer to God, who lovingly and graciously created you and provides for you every day. For extra encouragement, you might start by reading Bible verses about studying the word.

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